
Thoughts in a disintegrating U.S.

gothcactus gothcactus Follow May 12, 2021 · 1 min read
Thoughts in a disintegrating U.S.
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Recently there’ve been too much going on, despite the rhetoric of “back to normal”. 

Of course, there’s the pandemic that is still killing people and chronically impairing others. Even though there’s the vaccine, mutations are popping up all over the world that may render efforts pointless. 

The only decent thing that happened recently is the continuation of unemployment benefits. People are quitting their jobs and able to do so, effectively striking without major consequences. 

Employers are pulling their usual bullshit of blaming everything on the workers instead of actually treating them like human beings. 

Capitalism is crumbling, yet it is slowly doing so, causing suffering for the majority of the population, especially the global colonized working class. 

These years have really exposed the true nature of the United States, a genocidal nation that has always survived on the backs of poor people while backing fascist coups in other nations. 

The U.S. disintegrating only puts the negative consequences on the most oppressed populations. The rich is abandoning the earth altogether and instead spending their resources to settle on other planets. 

I really hope they don’t succeed and have to deal with what they have done. 

It’s been too long since any true justice has been served to people who actually destroyed the planet for their own benefit. The majority of the world is instead struggling to survive, fighting over crumbs. 

I’m really glad that I didn’t grow up in the U.S. in its deeply entrenched genocidal propaganda. I’m also glad that I grew up in an environment that valued community and collectivity. I still refer back to those essential values in my journey to envision a new world. 

It’s only going to get worse in this new decade. We must brace ourselves and form our own organizations and collectives. 

Written by gothcactus Follow
the cluster of neurons behind these ramblings